Birth December 3, 1727 32 34
MarriageHenry ThompsonView this family

Death of a motherSarah Schooley
1734 (aged 6 years)
Birth of a sonAble K Thompson
February 2, 1757 (aged 29 years)
Death of a husbandHenry Thompson
1759 (aged 31 years)
Death of a fatherSamuel Shinn Sr
November 12, 1761 (aged 33 years)
Birth of a granddaughterMary Thompson
1781 (aged 53 years)
Note: other references list Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey as birth

other references list Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey as birth

Death of a granddaughterMary Thompson
January 27, 1815 (aged 87 years)

Death of a sonAble K Thompson
July 3, 1840 (aged 112 years)