Day 2 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Preferred programming language?

This is Day 2 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek)…

Day 02 – Preferred programming language?

This is an easy one for me:   Java

Why is Java the best choice for me?

  • Java is portable – I write applications on Linux, and run them on windows and Mac, with no hassles.  And when I ant to write a Mobile App (Android, Palm, whatever)  I can do that too.
  • Java is Free –  The tools I  use to write software are free (usually either Eclipse or Netbeans)
  • The language is “Open” – I am not tied to one vendor, and the language I use is Open source (GPL).  This is too big a topic to really get into here.  see
  • I dont need to re-invent the wheel – There are LOTs of libraries out there I can reuse instead of wasting my time redoing stuff that other people have already solved.
  • Flexability – I can do a LOT of stuff in java.  Anything from a backend server application to a web applet or a fancy software front end.  Java can do it all.

Is Java perfect?  No. but it works for me 🙂

About andy dingfelder

Andy is a CISO/CTO in the fintech sector with over 20 years of experience in Software Delivery and Team Leadership in multiple industry domains. Master's Degree (MPA) in Public Administration Information Systems and over 10 years of board governance experience for multiple organisations. Full bio is available at: and links available at or follow him on Twitter at Andy lives in the Wellington region, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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