Day 21 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Favourite thing & worst things about working in IT?

Day 21 – Favourite thing & worst things about working in IT?

I really like communicating with people, sharing what I know, and helping others solve problems.  Thats what I like to do.

When a user has a problem, and I can help show them an easier way, or if I can fix something that is not working right so they can get on and do their job, it makes both of us happy, and that is cool.

I don’t like debugging hardware and device drivers.  That is a pain, and a waste of everyone’s time.  That is what hardware leases are for.  If it is not easy to solve, trade it in for one that works.


About andy dingfelder

Andy is a CISO/CTO in the fintech sector with over 20 years of experience in Software Delivery and Team Leadership in multiple industry domains. Master's Degree (MPA) in Public Administration Information Systems and over 10 years of board governance experience for multiple organisations. Full bio is available at: and links available at or follow him on Twitter at Andy lives in the Wellington region, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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