The Quintisential Slinky Page

 Talk about a flash back to the 90s…

I found this web page on an old server and thought you might enjoy it:


The one true page devoted to the Kwa of Slinkyness


1.  Bite the slinky

  • Use your teeth, not your lips
  • Try not to drool or giggle

bite the slinky

2.  Have a friend stretch out the slinky

3.  Have the friend thump the slinky

thump the slinky


You seriously need to try this if you have never experienced the “Kwa of Slinkyness”

 Credit must be given of course to our slinky model,

Richard Berry, in his all american outfit.



About andy dingfelder

Andy is a CISO/CTO in the fintech sector with over 20 years of experience in Software Delivery and Team Leadership in multiple industry domains. Master's Degree (MPA) in Public Administration Information Systems and over 10 years of board governance experience for multiple organisations. Full bio is available at: and links available at or follow him on Twitter at Andy lives in the Wellington region, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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