website security

I’ve been playing around with websites for quite a while, and my favorite DIY platform is wordpress, because of it’s simplicity.

I have noticed a huge increase recently though in hacking attempts.  It seems that the number of bots trying to hack wordpress sites has gone way up.    For example, I had several hundred unsuccessful users trying to log in as the user ‘admin’ last night.

What is the best way to deal with this?

Simple:  Make sure you have a recent version of wordpress installed, and install the wordfence plugin.  It’s free and immediately locks down your site against most script based attackers.  refer to these instructions for details

Take a look at this review – they did a pretty good job summarizing it:

I’ll add a followup article in the future to discuss additional tricks for locking down your site

About andy dingfelder

Andy is a CISO/CTO in the fintech sector with over 20 years of experience in Software Delivery and Team Leadership in multiple industry domains. Master's Degree (MPA) in Public Administration Information Systems and over 10 years of board governance experience for multiple organisations. Full bio is available at: and links available at or follow him on Twitter at Andy lives in the Wellington region, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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