Continuing Saga of Registration Issues…

I spoke with a Borland support engineer (in their free “registration issues” support department) for about an hour on Friday, trying to resolve my registration issues.

I do have to say that while I have become frustrated by not getting the trial version registered correctly, I do still like Borland (and Codegear so far) and think they are for sure trying to help me, but the issue I am encountering is not “normal”. Also, this is a new product to them (Eclipse based JBuilder is quite a different beast from the 2006 version.)

I will continue to update this blog as the saga continues… I just want to be clear that this is not an anti-borland rant, I am a loyal (although frustrated at the moment) customer.

About andy dingfelder

Andy is a CISO/CTO in the fintech sector with over 20 years of experience in Software Delivery and Team Leadership in multiple industry domains. Master's Degree (MPA) in Public Administration Information Systems and over 10 years of board governance experience for multiple organisations. Full bio is available at: and links available at or follow him on Twitter at Andy lives in the Wellington region, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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